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In Flight USA Articles
![A New Era: AirVenture Planning Through Unknowns](
A New Era: AirVenture Planning Through Unknowns
Coordinating the countless moving parts of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is a challenge in the best of times, but coming back from 2020's COVID-caused cancellation raises expectations regarding health and safety measures in planning this year's event on July 26-August 1.
![EAA AeroEducate Initiative Helps Young People Explore And Cultivate Aviation Interest](
EAA AeroEducate Initiative Helps Young People Explore And Cultivate Aviation Interest
AeroEducate, the newest youth aviation initiative from EAA, will bring an interactive, educational, and engaging experience to young people ages 5 to 18 beginning in 2021.
![This Year's NBAA BACE Made Me 100,000 Times Happier](
This Year's NBAA BACE Made Me 100,000 Times Happier
By Paul T. Glessner, M.S.
Tuesday (Oct. 10) morning speech participants. (Paul T. Glessner)This year’s NBAA-BACE held in Las Vegas last month marks the 70th anniversary of the organization and just nine days after the horrific shooting, was the first major convention since the nightmare. Extra security was present in the form of added staff to check IDs and plenty of K-9s. I have luckily attended a handful of these conventions over the last 20 years, including last year’s Orlando location, and I must say, if you have any business in aviation, you must attend! If not for the educational seminars and the tactile touch and display of products and aircraft, the social aspect where new acquaintances today mean more profits and avenues tomorrow. While I will do my best to give my personal overview in this short article, NBAA did a more extensive and detailed summary that can be found at
The event featured about 1,100 exhibitors, including more than 100 new exhibitors. Attendees, estimated at 27,000, represented all 50 U.S. states and dozens of countries, according to NBAA. Approximately 100 aircraft were on static display, both at Henderson Executive Airport and inside the convention center.
Tuesday kicked off with the leaders of six influential general aviation (GA) advocacy groups delivering a powerful and coherent message of united opposition against ATC privatization during the “No Plane No Gain” Media Kick-Off Breakfast. All the acronyms were represented: NBAA, EAA, GAMA, HAI, NATA, and AOPA.
“This year, we mark NBAA’s 70th anniversary,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “Starting at our first convention in 1950, 19 companies came together in a hotel to work together and pool their resources. They realized we could do more together than any company can do by itself. And today, we’ve grown to more than 11,000 members.
![Flight Test: The Theory of Evolution](
Flight Test: The Theory of Evolution
By David Brown
Many years ago, I was involved in production testing of a jet trainer in the UK. Initially we had unpressurized jets and used to climb to 30,000 feet for our production testing as a matter of course. With the exuberance of youth, we ignored the occasional sinus problems, the bends, fatigue, and other such inconveniences, while accepting the rock-hard cushions of the Martin-Baker ejection seats as part of the cost of doing business. A couple of years later, we had progressed to a pressurized version of the same jet, as by now the powers-that-be had realized that the Royal Air Force CFIs were having problems with the day-after-day effects of climbing to high altitude two or more times a day without the benefits of pressurization. From our flight-test point of view, we soon realized that life was much better in a pressurized aircraft.
Fast forward a decade or two, and I was ferrying a military turboprop trainer west across the USA, part of a two-ship formation. Again we were unpressurized, and at 24,000 feet, I was monitoring my oxygen blinker rhythmically opening and closing. Occasionally, I would have to give control to my colleague in the other cockpit, unclip my military-style oxygen mask, blow my nose, eat a sandwich, take a sip of water, etc. before clipping the mask back on. Again, we were on the same Martin-Baker ejection seats, and again the cushions were rock hard after a couple of hours droning west over Texas and the Arizona desert.
I liked the speed, as we were covering the ground at a true airspeed of almost 300 knots, better than doing the trip at low altitude in a general aviation aircraft with TAS of just over a hundred knots, as I was doing on weekends. But the discomfort of mask, bonedome, seat, harness, and parachute straps was a different matter
“One day,” I said over the intercom, “We will be able to do this trip in pressurized luxury and comfort.”
“But not today,” came the answer from our imperturbable test pilot in the front cockpit. A moment later, he resumed humming Willie Nelson’s “ …on the Road again…”
I have news for the world. That day has arrived with the introduction of the pressurized Evolution.
The turbine-powered demonstrator N424SM was the race pace plane for the Sport racing class at Reno Races in Sept. 2016. (David Brown)I first saw the Turbine Evolution at Reno last September when it was used as the pace plane for the Sport Racing class. I was impressed by the speed and intrigued by the fact that this was a kit-built plane.
In February, I was fortunate enough to meet up with Evolution Aircraft’s President, Kevin Eldredge, at Cable Airport in Southern California, get the inside story of the Turbine Evolution, and take a short flight in between the storms battering Southern California.
EAA Proposes ADS-B Solution for Light-Sport Aircraft
EAA Clears Confusion Over Training in Restricted Category Aircraft
Uncertainty surrounding flight training in restricted category aircraft, and potentially experimental exhibition aircraft, has been clarified following EAA efforts to reach out on behalf of those who own these unique aircraft and train pilots to fly them.
EAA received reports from specialty aircraft examiners of restricted category aircraft that the FAA was considering policy changes that would prohibit the aircraft from being used for initial type rating exams, recurrent proficiency exams, and other flights necessary to operate as pilot in command of the aircraft. The restrictions would have put owners in the awkward position of not being able to qualify pilots to fly their unique airplanes.
While aircraft in the restricted category are generally not associated with EAA members, such as agricultural and firefighting aircraft, any policy change could have an unintended effect on experimental exhibition category aircraft, including warbirds and unique vintage airplanes.
EAA to FAA: ADS-B Mandate Fraught With Hurdles for GA
Cost, Compliance, Lack of Benefits Preventing Adoption
EAA Vice President of Advocacy and Safety, Sean Elliott, told the FAA on Oct. 28 that while the recreational aviation community is willing to work toward a modernization of the national airspace system, mandated ADS-B compliance is still fraught with too many hurdles to motivate general aviation aircraft owners to install the costly equipment.
Speaking at an FAA-sponsored “call to action” summit on ADS-B and NextGen in Washington, D.C., Elliott emphasized that the low installation rate in GA aircraft thus far–only about 6,200 aircraft out of 157,000 in the fleet––is due to a dubious cost/benefit ratio for aircraft owners. The FAA has mandated that ADS-B be installed in those aircraft by 2020 as a cornerstone of the NextGen system.
GAMA Mourns the Loss of Henry Ogrodzinski
Editorial: Pilot in Command
By Ed Downs
Before I launch into a variety of viewpoints and opinions, please read the following news announcement that was recently received by In Flight USA from the EAA:
EAA Declines FAA Exemption for Young Eagles, Eagle Flights Pilots
EAA has notified the FAA that it is declining a partial grant of exemption that would have allowed Young Eagles and Eagle Flights pilots to obtain reimbursement for fuel costs and logging of flight time. While EAA welcomed the time the agency spent considering and formulating the partial exemption, its mandated record-keeping, coordination, and notification requirements would cause complete restructuring of the program with enormous time and expense burdens.
Sean Elliott, EAA’s vice president of advocacy and safety, stated in a letter to John S. Duncan, FAA director of Flight Standards Service, that, “EAA sincerely appreciates the substantial efforts of the FAA in reviewing, publishing for comment, analyzing, and finally granting an exemption in response to EAA’s petition dated April 17, 2012. Unfortunately, EAA is unable to accept the exemption because of the severe requirements imposed by the FAA grant.”
![Supporting Aviation's Future](
Supporting Aviation's Future
This year’s Gathering of Eagles fundraising event at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh brought together the aviation industry and private aviation enthusiasts to support aviation’s future. The event raised $2.679 million, and after expenses, EAA will invest approximately $2.17 million in its youth programs. The Gathering is presented by Cessna Aircraft Company.
Editorial: Thanks, Paul
By Ed Downs
A visionary, leader and damned good pilot flew over the southern horizon for the last time on Aug. 22, 2013. Paul Poberezny, founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association, is gone.
Virtually every aviation publication in the world will comment on the passing of this remarkable man, most recounting the creation of the EAA, the incredible success of this organization and the part that Paul Poberezny played in shaping the modern world of recreational flying. To be sure, the creation of the EAA and all that it has stood for over the years is a story that needs to be told in perspective with the amazing person who fathered what we now refer to as the “homebuilt movement.” But this writer would like to take a different approach.
You see, Paul was my friend. The funny thing is that thousands of people can correctly say the same thing. To meet Paul was to become his friend. To work with Paul was to become a friend for whom he would always take time to greet and say “hello” to, when the occasion permitted, usually at AirVenture.
EAA Petitions Federal Court on FAA ATC Charges
Winners Announced for the 16th Annual EAA AirVenture Cup
Race 91, Bruce Hammer, taking off in his Glasair I TD from Mount Vernon Airport on the morning of July 28. Mr. Hammer won 1st Place in the Formula FX Blue division. (Photo courtesy of Geoff Sobering).The winners have been announced for the 16th Annual EAA AirVenture Cup cross-country air race.
The race started at 9:30 a.m. July 28 departing from Mount Vernon, Ill. with two turn points before ending in Waupaca, Wis. for a total mileage of 460 nm. The fastest aircraft of the day was a Turbine Legend, flown by Marty Abbott who came in at a time of 1:17:55 and an average speed of 354.30 mph.
A total of 48 aircraft raced in the event, which included experimental and certified aircraft categories. Two of the aircraft, both Glasair I TDs, where flown by Steve and Bruce Hammer, who have been competing against each other in the race since 1998. Bruce beat his bother this year by just under six minutes.
New Season of The Aviators to Premiere at EAA AirVenture
Editorial: “Federal Event Fees” Are a Reality
By Ed Downs
As most readers know by now, the EAA was given a short notice demand for nearly half a million dollars for services to be rendered by the FAA at AirVenture 2013. The fact that such services have already been paid for and delivered in the past, or that the FAA does not have the legal jurisdiction to levy user fees without Congressional consent seems to have no bearing on this action. This is a purely political move by the political leadership of the FAA as directed by the Executive branch of our Government.
Numerous other aviation events that have involved FAA coordination or services have also received notification that “event charges” would apply, resulting in a number of show cancellations. Such federal charges are not limited to EAA AirVenture or even to aviation events. An “event charge” does not need identifiable users that are getting “more than their fair share” of services. An event could be any activity that utilizes federal resources in the conduct of the event, even if only on a casual basis. This could easily include security issues for large sporting events, perhaps a charge to implement required TRF’s over large outdoor gatherings. NASCAR races are heavily aviation related, ideal targets, and even a local rodeo could end up with federal fees from the Department of Agriculture. The potential of “event” related revenue sources is virtually limitless. Point this out to those who brush off AirVenture as simply a party for rich guys. They are next.
Still Time to Apply for EAA/Ninety-Nines Flight Training Scholarship
It's Starting: GA Asked to Absorb FAA Budget Shortfalls
General aviation is wearing the target as the FAA looks for revenue, with the agency appearing to be readying a plan to add burdens on recreational aviators with increased costs for a variety of activities. This is occurring even after the Congress enacted legislation that enabled the FAA to fully fund air traffic services.
EAA and Learn to Fly Day Set for May 18
FAA Announces Change in Special Issuance Medical Certification
Editorial: Elections Have Come and Gone
By Ed Downs
It is traditional in many publications to use December editorial space to talk about the year that has just flown past. To be sure, that is a fine tradition, but perhaps the future is a topic of more interest and need. Aviation is entering some challenging times, and we need to take some positive steps to make sure the most unique aviation structure in the world remains healthy. But first, let’s just do some griping!
2012 was an election year to be remembered. Unfortunately, that remembrance is most likely not going to be because of the important issues that were covered or principles of government being argued. Instead, we will remember some of the most negative campaigning in this country’s history. But even more disappointing, was the manner in which politicians and pollsters divided up the country into opposing voting groups, or “classes.” Rich were pitted against poor; the middle class was pitted against both income “classes.” Age groups were defined and divided, with political “pitch” ads catering to each group as if in opposition to another age group. Certainly ethnic groups were carefully “classed” and addressed as if they lived in different countries. Women were focused upon as if their America was completely different from the one that men live in. This writer is sure that there is, somewhere, a set of stats that breaks America down by shoe and hat size, characterizing folks with big feet and small heads as voting in a particular style and needing to see particular political ads. The old axiom of “divide and conquer” is alive and well. The fact is, the divisiveness of 2012 has been the policy of politicians at all levels for some years and we must assume that it will continue, until we voters finally stand up and call for a stop.